Combining Expertise in Developing Your Brand's Visual Identity & Digital Marketing Strategy


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48% of people cited a website’s design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business. (Source: Ironpaper) If your website doesn't loook professional, then your company will not appear trustworthy. It is also important that your website is unique. When your website looks like your competitor's "cookie cutter" sites, your potential customers may have difficulty differentiating between you. They may struggle with deciding on which company to trust, since you all look about the same. A custom website portrays your business accurately and creatively.


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Did you know that 61% of visitors will leave your site if it is not mobile friendly? (Source: Hubspot) In April 2014, Google started moving websites lower in search engine results if they are not mobile optimized. The recognized "best practice" for a mobile-optimized site is to utilize responsive design. We made the decision in January, 2014, that all websites we produce for our clients will be responsive; otherwise we would be giving our clients a tool that will not help their business the way it should.
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'UI’ refers to user interface, while ‘UX’ refers to user experience. Basically, UI can be thought of as the design and UX as the way things work on your website -- the usability. It is important to keep both UI & UX in mind when designing and developing a website.


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If you want a website that you can keep updated without any knowledge of programming, then a 'Content Management System' (CMS) is exactly what you're looking for. The content will be separated from the code, so you can have control over what gets updated and when it happens. And if you want to blog, a CMS is a perfect solution for you. We have experience with a number of CMS platforms, but the one that is the most popular is Wordpress.
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Would you like the ability to pass information that you store on another database to your website? Do you have a more complex website need -- or do you want a system developed for your website? Well, you're in luck because we really love those "out-of-the-box" challenging projects. One of our favorite things is to find a creative solution to solve your problems. We have over 25 years experience in database development on numerous platforms and in various languages.


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When you're setting up an eCommerce website there are countless platforms and options to sort through. We'll work to determine the best solution for your needs, create a custom interface, implement it, train you, and even manage it for you if you prefer. Whether you are big or small -- whether you use Magento, Shopify, or a custom shopping cart -- we can help you.


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A brand is the perception of a company.

An identity is the total composite of elements that shape how a brand is perceived.

A logo is a mark that represents a company.


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A website is a necessity for every business, but how do you keep visitors on your site once they get there? There are many important contributing factors, one being the visual design of your site. After the stage of researching, brainstorming, and meeting with you to establish your needs, we present you with Style Tiles. This tool helps to give you an idea of the overall style and feel we recommend for your site. From there, we create mockups of how your site will appear when viewed on desktop & mobile devices.
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Your target audience may encounter your brand in various ways, such as on your website, social media profile, or printed brochure. Therefore, your brand identity should be cohesive across all applications and platforms. In having a cohesive brand, you will give the right first impression to visitors, increase your brand recognition, and establish trust in your brand. We ensure consistency in your brand by designing everything from custom social media posts and website graphics to printed materials and signage.


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Sixty percent of the decision to buy a product is based on color, which goes to show you want a professional designing your brand's color system. Developing an effective color palette requires a deep understanding of color theory and the image your brand wants to achieve. It also involves the ability to create a consistent palette across various applications and platforms, such as print, packaging, and digital media.
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Typography is another core component of your brand identity system. Your family of typefaces should be legible and flexible while reflecting the overall look and feel of your brand. It must support information hierarchy and cover the range of your application needs.


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Your brand should be recognizable to consumers even when your logo isn't present. To accomplish this, you must have an effective brand identity system in place. Once we develop this system, we create a brand style guide. This style guide acts as a document to reference in order to keep a cohesive & consistent brand presence. The style guidelines involve your brand's logo variations and treatments, typography, and color palette. Additional examples & references may include things like photography compositions and writing samples to give a general thematic look and feel of your brand.


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Since 2012 more than half of the searches are done on mobile devices. Because of this fact, Google looks at how "mobile friendly" a website is when ranking a website. There are a number of things to consider when optimizing for mobile devices. We will keep up with changes in Google's standards and make sure your website's always optimized for mobile devices.


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According to Google, 53% of people will abandon a page if it takes longer than 3 second to load. As a result, in 2010 Google began penalizing slow loading websites when measuring page rank. We will make sure your website loads as quickly as possible in order to rank higher in search engine results and give you an edge over your competitors.
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Do you want to know how many website visitor's you've had this past month? And how they found you? And how long they stayed on your site? What about finding out what they looked at while they were on your website? Well, we will configure your website with Google Analytics so you can view all of this data. And if we are performing SEO services for you, we'll help you interpret that data and see where improvements can be made.


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Good Content Marketing (also referred to as Inbound Marketing) will provide your prospects and customers with the information they are looking for. It is the most effective form of Digital Marketing at the present time. Traditional Outbound Marketing leads have a 1.7% close rate, while Inbound Marketing leads have a 14.6% close rate (Source: Hubspot). That's a remarkable difference and that is why we focus on Inbound/Content Marketing.
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B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those who do not and companies who blog as part of their inbound marketing strategy have 55% more website traffic than those who don't (Source: Hubspot). The statistics don't lie when it comes to the importance of blogging. Many companies have good intentions but fail to find the time to blog regularly, and soon they aren't blogging at all. If you want to attract more business through your blog, but you don't have the time (or "know-how"), contact us for our blogging and copywriting services.
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Social Media provides a measurable way to promote growth through lead generation and conversions, which means that your Social Media and SEO Strategies should be tightly interwoven. We work directly with you to establish social media goals that align with your overall company goals - such as increasing brand awareness, engagement, website traffic, and sales. From there we come up with a customized social media strategy that will effectively impact your unique brand.